We had a great round of games yesterday at a new location. Keith and Devan found a great spot, it's a basketball court behind West End School in Elmington Park. We're not sure how it's going to work out for the long run, especially on school days before summer. Also, we had to jump a fence to get in, but the court was perfect; it was even fully fenced to it kept runaway balls to a minimum. We might try to get together again sometime this week, probably Wednesday, but if not expect another set of games this weekend.
Here's the spot:
Also, I made a decision on the logos since none of you jerks voted (except for Keith, thanks Keith). From talking to people there were two favorites, 1 and 4. What most people are saying (all three or so that I talked to) is that 1 is the best design but it looks more like a flyer or poster and less like branding wheres 4 is a straight up logo. That all being said I think we'll adopt both of them for now until someone submits a better design or something.
Any suggestions are very welcome.
Man I tried to vote but they wanted me to "sign in" and stuff. I figured it out, obviously. Anyway, I think #1 should be the logo. Even though it does look like a poster. It's just way cool.